I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe during this time.
Moment of Silence
Thank you.

Covid-19 Updates
As I write this Newsletter, the deaths and cases from Covid-19 have been dropping.
However, we still must be vigilant and comply with the social distancing and mask wearing regulations until we have further information.
With regard to antibody testing, there are many questions about the validity of these tests and what they mean, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. He spoke on Good Morning America on April 20th and discussed the “perils and pitfalls” of this testing.
See his interview here:
Here are some tips to help you strengthen your lungs:
We are living in a time of uncertainty, which can make many of us anxious, fearful, and unmoored. Strengthening our minds and bodies can help us cope with these emotions and weather these times.
There are things you can do to shore up your resistance and improve your immunity. In a previous Newsletter, I offered some tips to stay strong. There is evidence that improving your respiratory health may improve your outcome if you get Covid-19.¹ Please review these tips to improve your lungs below.

- “Good ventilation and frequent cleaning of the environment of individuals that are ill with COVID-19 is widely recommended by health authorities”.
- Simple diaphragmatic breathing—put your hand on your abdomen. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and feel your hand being pushed out by your abdomen. Then slowly and gently exhale from the abdomen.² You can do this several times slowly.
- Staying hydrated–Drinking hot water with honey may help to moisturize the lungs, according to Dr. Nan Lu, a Traditional Chinese Medicine physician—(please see https://drjillbaron.com/how-to-stay-strong-healthy-and-positive-during-this-time/); Drinking water (and I recommend boiled or room temp) is shown to keep the mucus linings thin in the lungs, a positive thing for lung function.²
- Drinking Chicken Soup!—The 12th century Jewish physician, Maimonides, recommended Chicken soup to “neutralize the constitution” ³ and research has shown that “chicken soup mobilizes nasal mucus better than other hot liquids”³. A study from the journal CHEST in 2000, said that chicken soup had a mild anti-inflammatory effect, which is why it might be good against the common viral cold.⁽⁴⁾⁽⁵⁾ They have been unable to identify the magic ingredient in Chicken Soup. For vegetarians/vegans—you can make the soup without chicken and try including garlic, onions, and ginger which all have antiviral effects.⁵
- Aerobic exercise—ideally in fresh air, or well ventilated indoor spaces, strengthens cardiovascular health and improves lung ventilation, which could lead to better Covid-19 outcomes should one become infected.
“Sticking with that uncertainty, getting the knack of relaxing in the midst of chaos, learning not to panic — this is the spiritual path.
–Pema Chodron” ⁶
Lastly, if you can, try and look for the “silver linings” (see my last newsletter) and any blessings and positive things that you have experienced from this crisis. They will uplift you!
My thoughts are with you.
Please stay safe!
With warm regards,
Dr. Jill
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1. https://necsi.edu/respiratory-health-for-better-covid-19-outcomes
2. https://www.rush.edu/health-wellness/discover-health/8-tips-healthy-lungs
3. Therapeutic Efficacy of Chicken Soup. Rosner, Fred. CHEST, Volume 78, Issue 4, 672 – 674
4. https://exploreim.ucla.edu/wellness/an-inside-scoop-on-the-science-behind-chicken-soup-and-the-common-cold/
5. https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/10/12/the-science-of-chicken-soup/
6. Bob Litwin Newsletter quoting from “When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times” by Pema Chödrön, 2000, Shambala Press.