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Want to Get Better Sleep? Try This!

I hope you are well. I can’t believe that we are heading into spring.

This Newsletter is about a crucial issue that many people struggle with including myself–getting a good night’s sleep. Waking up feeling rested and energized to start the day is a key component of optimal health and well-being.

Healthy sleep is one of the four pillars for building resilience and stress hardiness that I write about in my book, “Don’t Mess With Stress™.” (1)

The benefits of quality sleep are:
“improved cardiovascular health, mental health, cognition, memory consolidation, immunity, reproductive health, and hormone regulation.”(2)

Much has been written about sleep in terms of “Sleep Hygiene.” This means ideally winding down for about a half hour to an hour before sleep, reducing stimuli that can stress our system including looking at our screens, watching the news, etc.

But new research says there is ONE THING that may trump the behavioral modification of the pre-bedtime routine to encourage better sleep.

That is moderate to vigorous exercise during the day.(3)
Read the original research article here. (4)

The study showed “a strong link between daytime physical activity and improved sleep quality among both children and adults. Analyzing the daily routines of over 2500 participants, the research highlights how higher levels of moderate to vigorous physical activity correlate with fewer sleep disturbances, less daytime tiredness, and overall better sleep quality.” (3)

One caveat about the research is that the adults in the study (who were mostly mothers of 11-12 years olds) exercised for 2 hours per day. That is a lot of exercise. However, the authors state that the device they used to measure physical activity–accelerometry may have inadvertently elevated the duration of physical activity.

What does moderate to vigorous exercise mean? Check out this article from Harvard to find out.(5)

Even though more research is needed to study the general adult population about the effects of physical activity on sleep, I think it is well worth to try doing moderate to vigorous exercise during the day to improve one’s sleep at night.

I know that after I have worked out, I feel a sense of strength and well being as well as a delicious feeling of temporary fatigue. I notice on these days I sleep deeply and restfully.

I wish the same for you.

To Our Health,

Dr. Jill


  1. Don’t Mess with Stress™–A Simple Guide to Managing Stress,
    Optimizing Health, and Making the World a Better Place. Jill R.
    Baron, MD. 2020.
  2. Baranwal N, Yu PK, Siegel NS. Sleep physiology,
    pathophysiology, and sleep hygiene. Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 2023
    Mar-Apr;77:59-69. doi: 10.1016/j.pcad.2023.02.005. Epub 2023 Feb
    24. PMID: 36841492
  3. https://neurosciencenews.com/exerrcise-sleep-25693/
  4. Matricciani L, Dumuid D, Stanford T, Maher C, Bennett P,
    Bobrovskaya L, Murphy A, Olds T. Time use and dimensions of
    healthy sleep: A cross-sectional study of Australian children and
    adults. Sleep Health. 2024 Jan 9:S2352-7218(23)00250-4. doi:
    10.1016/j.sleh.2023.10.012. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38199899.
  5. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/obesity-prevention-source/moderate-and-vigorous-physical-activity/

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Don't Mess with Stress™: A Simple Guide to Managing Stress, Optimizing Health, and Making the World a Better Place

Disclaimer: Please note that the content on this Newsletter does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with a physician before making any medical, nutritional, or lifestyle changes recommended in this Newsletter.

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