by admin | Jan 21, 2020 | health |
A dear and wise woman friend, Fiamma, encouraged me to welcome and acknowledge my fears and feelings, and then disengage and be in and enjoy the present moment as that is all we have. In addition, reading compelling research showing the health benefits of giving, enabled me to turn my attention to helping others. According to Stephen G. Post, Phd, in the 2014 Biennial Scientific Report on Health, Happiness, Longevity, and Helping Others, “The key solution to the problem of unhappiness in 2014 remains the same – contribute to the lives of others and as a by-product or side-effect, you are very likely to experience happiness, health, and live a bit longer.” When I changed my focus from one of despair, frustration, and fear to contributing to others, I felt better. How can we feel better and build resilience during these challenging times this holiday season especially when we may eat and drink too much, and not get enough exercise or sleep? A. Try and follow the Don’t Mess with Stress!ᵀᴹ core principles: D—Diet—to help buffer the holiday eating, add an extra green or other non-startchy vegetable each day. Drink more water to prevent dehydration in these drier winter months. M–Meditate and reflect W–Walk, Exercise, Move S–Sleep—aim for at least 7 to 8 hours per night and bedtime before midnight. Becoming more mindful and aware of our thoughts and our actions may help us eat one less sweet or have one less drink. And if you overdo it, accept it, enjoy it, don’t punish yourself, and tell yourself you will do better next time. B. Think Contribution, Kindness, Gratitude...
by admin | Dec 15, 2019 | health |
Laughter affects both the mind and the body. It loosens you up and picks up your mood. Physiologically, laughter: Increases blood flow and circulation Decreases stress hormones Improves immunity Increase endorphins and neurotransmitters, Serotonin and Dopamine. Enhances mental functioning Psychologically, laughter: Reduces stress, anxiety, and tension, and counteracts symptoms of depression Elevates mood, self-esteem, hope, energy, and vigor Enhances memory and creative thinking Improves interpersonal relationships Increases friendliness and helpfulness Promotes psychological well-being Is Contagious! I love to laugh! Reading a funny passage, or seeing a comedian, or hearing a joke, can make me laugh out loud. And reliving these funny moments is good for the body. Even faking or inducing laughter, can produce therapeutic effects. If you have trouble laughing on your own, try a Laughter Club in person or online or Laughter Yoga. Check this out and start laughing now! It may tickle yourself funny! Here is an excellent resource to help you laugh! Help Guide And here are two quotes to inspire you to laugh and have more fun during these trying times: And from Lisa Wessan, my dear friend, colleague, and Therapeutic Laughter Expert— “Laughing at the insanity of life is very worthwhile. Strong people laugh early, laugh often and laugh deeply.” Lisa Wessan, LICSW, CLYL, RM Have a great month! To Your Health, Dr....
by admin | Sep 19, 2019 | health |
I hope you had a wonderful summer. I can’t believe we are already into fall. I wanted to share with you some extraordinary insights I gleaned this past weekend. I moderated a panel, entitled, “The Consequences for Human Health—Is our treatment of other animals making us sick?” at the “Rethinking Animals United Summit” in New York City, which featured talks and panels with eminent researchers, policy experts, and conservation entrepreneurs, who spoke about the “treatment of other species and the consequences to ourselves and the planet,” as well as solutions to these problems. ¹ Check out the link here to see the speakers and offerings. If you are interested, you can view the recorded Livestream. What I learned this weekend, truly affected me, and what I will tell you below can impact your health and well-being and ultimately, the planet’s. Taking action, even small steps, can make a difference for yourself and the planet. We CAN change the course of things for the better! 3 Major Takeaways: By the year 2050, more people will die from antibiotic resistant infections than from cancer if current agricultural practices and factory farming that feed animals antibiotics continue. Currently 80% of antibiotics produced are used in animals. When we eat these animals, we can develop resistance to antibiotics and potentially alter our gut flora. If you eat meat, try and choose pasture raised, wild, and organic varieties. ² “One Health”—is a concept that is re-emerging. “One Health” means that the “health of people is connected to the health of animals and the environment.” ³ Because of deforestation, farming practices that disrupt animal habitats, and humans moving into animal territories,...
by admin | Apr 15, 2019 | health |
This month’s newsletter focuses on how to “Hold Your Center” during times of significant stress. As a human being, you have invariably experienced major stress in your life, be it the loss of a loved one, losing a job, having financial issues, relationship stress, etc. It’s during these stressful periods when our healthy lifestyle routines can go awry and we may not eat as well, we stop exercising, we don’t get enough sleep, and we may indulge in unhealthy behaviors. To help cope with these challenging times, I believe it is important to “Hold Your Center.” “Holding Your Center” refers to the calm, centered, way of being that informs your life. These times require us to have more energy to withstand the stressors we are up against. To get to yourstable “Center” requires mental, emotional, and physical stamina. Here are a few suggestions to help bring you back to your “Center:” Stick with healthy habits and adhere to a routine to help anchor and ground you emotionally and physically to be your best self during these times and shore up your resilience and strength. If it is too overwhelming to do all of the Don’t Mess with Stress™ foundational steps of Diet, Meditate, Walk (exercise, dance, move), and Sleep, just start with one of them, such as diet—try eating more leafy greens and drink more water, ideally boiled or room temperature water, as they can help ground you. Or pick a bedtime and consistently go to sleep at that time. Listen to Music that soothes you: Baroque music that induces Alpha Waves in the brain for deep concentration and focus, such as composers Bach, Handel or...
by admin | Jun 13, 2014 | health |
Welcome, wonderful people who are involved in the Sweeter Holiday Summit program, presented by my friend Connie Bennett. It’s my pleasure to offer you a holiday special on a program that Connie and I presented. I’m pleased to offer the opportunity to get a two-part Don’t Mess With Stress to Kick Sugar audio replay, which gives you simple, valuable techniques so you can unwind and de-stress at any time of day or night to conquer your sugar habit. This two-part program — which was hosted by my friend Connie Bennett, author of the bestselling book Sugar Shock! — teaches you stress-reduction tactics that help you handle stress with grace, fun and ease. Get your audio replay to Stop Stress Now!, in which you’ll: Get simple tactics to topple stress in the very moment that you need it. Learn how stress can damage your health and show you how to bring back good health. Become a master of easy stress-busting tactics such as the “Twenty Breaths” technique. Get help to relax at any time, under any condition. Get pointers on how to pass by “that tempting donut store or that enticing bakery.” Squash your sugar and carb cravings. Be more productive and sleep peacefully. Click below to purchase this relaxing...
by admin | Jun 13, 2014 | health |
I attended a workshop this week given by Alvaro Fernandez, of Sharpbrains ( He recommends the following “Tips for Memory: Practice the art of focusing Mentally repeat the information Think about the information you want to memorize Sum up the information Organize the information you want to learn Visualize unexpected...